To develop the lateral thinking capacity of the students. Train them to be the leaders and responsible citizen who would be ready to work untiringly towards the betterment of the country.
To provide knowledge based education, adapting the changes to build strong value based and honest communities and to become part of the skilled and able work force in order to strengthen the nation and to inculcate in them, love for their parents and country.

About Us
JAIPUR COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & SCIENCE, as an institution anticipates the momentum of globalization intensifying in the coming years which would make India even more attractive destination to learn and practice management. This is particularly felt, when mostly all Indian Industries are having major world class players from across the world. The Institute believes that students are well poised to draw the best in their educational experience due to cross cultural exposure and learning of management concepts in Indian environment. Besides it, the presence of people from diverse geographical regions, the learning experience for all the students improve a lot.
The team members involved are inherent part of the mission to establish a technical institute under the aegis of All India Technical Education & Research Foundation with experience in the field of Management, Industry and technology. Their wide experience and expertise were utilized full in the preparation and no outside consultants were involved.